Oral Surgery

Bone Grafting

Bone Grafting for Socket Preservation - Collagen Block Graft

Bone Grafting for Socket Preservation - Particulate Graft

Impacted 3rd Molar - Crowding and Damage

Impacted 3rd Molar - Cyst

Impacted 3rd Molar - Infected

Normal TMJ Function

Sinus Lift - Lateral

Sinus Lift - Vertical

Third Molar Extraction

TMJ - Anterior Disc Displacement


Allografting - Exposed Threads

Anterior Three Unit Bridge

AvaDent Denture with Snap-Pin Bar

AvaDent Denture With Two Implants

AvaDent Fixed Hybrid

Bone Atrophy - Lower Mandible

Bone Atrophy - Upper Maxilla

Bone Grafting

Bone Grafting for Socket Preservation - Collagen Block Graft

Bone Grafting for Socket Preservation - Particulate Graft

Congenitally Missing Laterals

Effects of Single Tooth Loss

Implant Cantilever Bridge - Two Teeth

Implant Placement Into Socket

Implant Placement Into Socket - Two Centrals

Implant vs. Bridge

Locator Attachments for Lower Denture

Locator Attachments for Upper Denture

Lower All - On - 4

Lower Denture Supported by Mini Implants

Lower Fixed Detachable

Lower Guided Fixed Detachable

Mandible Crown and Bridge Reconstruction

Milled Bar Procedure

Milled Bar Procedure - 4 Implants

Milled Bar Procedure with Locator Attachments

Partial Denture with Implants

Posterior Implant Supported Three Unit Bridge

Premature Aging Due To Bone Loss - Female Front View

Premature Aging Due To Bone Loss - Female Side View

Premature Aging Due To Bone Loss - Male Front View

Premature Aging Due To Bone Loss - Male Side View

Single Implant Placement - Lateral Incisor

Single Implant - Upper Posterior

Single Tooth Two Stage Procedure - Central Incisor

Single Tooth Two Stage Procedure - Cuspid

Sinus Lift - Lateral

Sinus Lift - Vertical

Smile Design Principles

Three Unit Bridge

Two Implant Over Denture

Upper All - On - 4

Upper Fixed Detachable

Upper Guided Fixed Detachable

The Wellness Hour

Bone Grafting

Single Tooth Implants

The Dental Implant Process

Wisdom Teeth

What Our Clients Say About Us

My name Is Judith O. I had the pleasure to meet Dr. Luis Craig when I was having problems with my vision, my skin wouldn’t allow me to open my eyes or see peripherally completely. My Optometrist suggested I should have “bleph". I was referred to Dr Craig, an excellent person and a great surgeon. He performed my surgery, with no complications, and in a week nobody could tell I had anything done. Not even my Optometrist. She was happy, like me, with the outcome. My vision improved 100%. Thank you Dr Craig. May God bless you and your hands.
Sincerely, Judith, O